SSG Development Mixed Use Storage Facility

Somerville, MA

A developer, builder and owner of state-of-the-art, multi-story, climate-controlled, self-storage facilities, SSG Development and Construction LLC (SSG) is a real estate investment and property developer based in Brookline, Massachusetts with facilities throughout the eastern United States. Seeking to develop a new facility in Somerville, SSG brought in BL Companies to navigate the significant challenges related to the site plan approval. Beyond the mere design of this building, BL Companies’ mission was to craft a facility that seamlessly integrated with and enriched the unique essence of the local community. With this objective in mind, BL designed the facility to harmonize effortlessly with the community, extending its purpose beyond mere storage by incorporating a community room and a coffee shop – a comprehensive strategy that proved transformative in expediting the entitlement permitting process. The culmination of these efforts resulted in a seven-story steel-framed building, adorned with a harmonious blend of masonry and metal wall panels. This achievement stands as a testament to BL’s diverse and highly skilled in-house teams, working diligently together not only to surpass client expectations but also to embrace the aspirations of the community at large.

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